Үзээрэй HD

ҮНЭГҮЙ дансаа идэвхжүүлээрэй!
Үргэлжлүүлэн үзэхийн тулд та данс үүсгэх ёстой

Үргэлжлүүлэн ҮНЭГҮЙ үзээрэй

Бүртгүүлэхэд 1 минут хүрэхгүй хугацаа шаардагдах бөгөөд хязгааргүй кино, телевизийн гарчгийг үзэх боломжтой.
00:00:00 / 0:00
Боломжтой форматууд Аюулгүй сканнердсан : 07/09/2024 Үзээрэй HD Татаж авах HD


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Тойм:In 1935, 17-year-old aspiring actress Marsha Hunt was discovered in Hollywood. She signed with Paramount Pictures and went on to a flourishing career at MGM. She made 54 films in 17 years before a series of unfortunate events led to her being unfairly blacklisted. After the blacklist, she championed humanitarian causes, forging a career as one of Hollywood's first celebrity activists. She was the FIRST Angelina Jolie. As far back as 1955, Eleanor Roosevelt was a mentor of hers as they both worked tirelessly to support the work that the United Nations Association was accomplishing in this country. At age 96, Marsha continues to fight for causes she believes in. This film is a call to action for activists of all ages.

Үзээрэй Чиргүүл Суллах: Ажиллах цаг: Revenue - минут Чанар: HD IMDb: / 10 гэхэд хэрэглэгчид Алдартай байдал: Төсөв: $ Орлого: $ Хэл:



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